Css3 Transition
In this post i am sharing a beautiful OTP Verification HTML template free for my users. It is a two step process to verify website/app login in a authentic way by using OTP verification through registered mobile number.
Here first of all you have to Enter your Registered Mobile number which you have registered and then press the button send to get OTP. If your input number is correct & registered you will get a OTP at your end on that mobile number by message then put this OTP to next input field & submit to check OTP correct or not.
In other case if you have entered wrong number by mistake you can press go back button to enter a new number again to get OTP.
This is a very useful step and popular way to provide their user a secured & safe way to get login authentically & ya I forget to mention I have also used a beautiful background animation using SVG bubble using masking of SVG. You can also try this separately where ever you want to use. These SVG Bubble Animations are very smooth & works seamlessly with every browser.
Let take a look at code for this:
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Hope you will like it & use it with your web application & website.